FIFA22 草皮画质重新着色补丁

2022-05-09 17:44 齐达内 未知

由玩家ArtKLG分享的FIFA22 草皮画质重新着色补丁,如图。
I use a turf from FMG Variant 2 pitch【点击进入下载《《《】 pattern: both diagonals
small (use it to get the colors as I have in the screenshots).
You can use turfs from other modmakers, but I do not guarantee the correctness of
the colors.
Assign a pitch pattern "both diagonals small" for a career through RDBM. Tutorial:
choose your career file -> DB 2 -> line "teams" -> column "stadiummowpattern_code"
enter the value "8" for all teams -> save. Ready.
Important: Use reshade version 4.9.1.【进入下载《《】(访问密码:327965)
